Park police have confirmed the emergence of new evidence in the investigation into the brutal 2006 murder of the Tartan Crab.
At a news conference held at police headquarters, Chief Inspector Martin of the Murder Investigations Unit announced that recent findings had prompted Park Police to consult with external investigators. Results of that consultation are not yet known.
Although the Inspector did not say, specifically, what findings were responsible for the newest action on the part of the Police, he did confirm that foreign bodies or “hairs” had been found during the analysis of the Crab’s stuffing.
“Forensic tests have resulted in the identification of certain foreign bodies, known as ‘hairs’, that were attached to the Crab’s stuffing. We believe these hairs hold the key to the identity of the perpetrator and we are conducting further laboratory tests in order to determine that identity.”
The Inspector also confirmed that the two domestic Dogs who had been held for questioning in the matter had been released. No charges will be brought against them, he said. The Dogs could not be reached for comment.
When asked whether Park Police believed the perpetrator of the crime could be Human, the Inspector was careful to assure Park citizens that no such link had been found.
“The Park Police Dogs (PPD) have sniffed out a number of leads and they intend to follow up on them,” he said.
Two hours after the news conference, however, the Murder Investigations Unit issued this official statement:
“We do not believe that the murder of the Tartan Crab reflects any feelings of resentment by any species toward any other. Citizens of The Park live together in peace and harmony and are not currently engaged in any conflict, either among ourselves or with those who reside outside The Park.”
Sources close to the investigation, though, quietly acknowledge the possibility of a link between the Crab murder and certain anti-zoocratic forces that are known to operate outside The Park.
Earlier this week, a spokesAnimal for Park Police confirmed that the department had been working to infiltrate a number of groups whose members advocate overthrowing The Park’s government.
“These [members] do not represent the majority of their species or of any other. They are acting on their own beliefs and without [any evidence of ] the validity of those beliefs,” the spokesAnimal said.
She added that these groups are not believed to pose any real threat to The Park.
“We are taking every precaution to ensure the stability and longevity of zoocracy,” she said.
This article first appeared in Issue #113 of The Mammalian Daily.