The Park Interspecial Film Festival (PIFF) has come of age, organizers say, and so have Park citizens. So, it’s about time that comedy was properly represented at PIFF; hence, today’s announcement of an important addition to the 2012 festival lineup.
“We are overjoyed to be here to announce the Noon Nuttiness addition to the festival,” said PIFF Communications President Leola Ocelot at a press conference held this morning at the Park Cinema.
“Noon Nuttiness” means that between the hours of 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm, PIFF screenings at the Park Cinema will be of comedies only.
“Five days in a row of funny should have every Animal cackling,” Ocelot said, slipping the name of the new addition’s sponsor into the announcement. And just to make sure the message was received, standing beside Ocelot was Lester C. Gander, President and C.E.O. of GooseBook, whose company rolled out the new “happy” social networking site cackle™ last month. Gander took to the microphone immediately afterwards to make an announcement of his own:
“I am happy to announce to you today that for the five days of PIFF, Noon Nuttiness patrons will be given cackle™-enabled devices so they can share their reviews of this year’s comedies with their friends,” he said.
Ocelot also announced the names of the two comedies that will open Noon Nuttiness. “Love Lies Drooling” written and directed by Xanthippe Newfoundlander and “Big Red Bucket” produced by the antYloper film cooperative.
The 8th annual Park Interspecial Film Festival will take place October 1-5, 2012.