Harmonious Humphrey (left) and Harmonious Hannah will make their debut on Sunday
Meet Harmonious Humphrey and Harmonious Hannah.
The pair of stuffed toys, whose creation was commissioned by the Department of Well-Being and Safety (DWBS), are set to make their professional debut this week, at July’s first Stereotype Sunday.[pullquote]It is far easier to plant a seed than it is to relocate a tree.—Cornelius Kakapo, DWBS Public Relations Director [/pullquote]
“We are very pleased to introduce them…our new mascots of interspecial harmony,” said DWBS Public Relations Director Cornelius Kakapo at a press gathering this afternoon. The gathering was held outside the Ancient, Open-Air Theatre, where the weekly event occurs.
The stuffed Animals, who stand five and a half feet tall, were available for photographs for only a short time today before they were whisked away to an undisclosed location. According to Kakapo, they won’t appear again until Sunday.
“We just wanted to give you a heads-up,” he told reporters, smiling wryly as he handed out information packets to the media.
This is the first initiative to promote interspecial harmony that has been aimed at youth, Kakapo said.
“Our youth are the future of The Park. We need to focus more on them, on training their minds and hearts, steering them in the direction of harmony, equality, and justice. Because it is far easier to plant a seed than it is to relocate a tree,” he said.
The stuffed pair will make the rounds at this week’s Stereotype Sunday, encouraging young Animals to ask questions about other species and to make new friends.
“We’ll be watching their [the harmonious pair’s] progress and tweaking their rôle along the way,” Kakapo said.
This week’s Stereotype Sunday will take place at the Ancient, Open-Air Theatre from 1:00 pm until 6:00 pm.