“All Our Lines Are Busy.” Full staff represents the importance of music in Park life.
The Park Museum will host a fundraiser on February 29, 2016 in support of its as-yet-unopened music gallery.
In an announcement today, the museum’s Board of Governors invited all Park Animals to “a spectacular night of song, dance, food, and fun.” All proceeds, according to the announcement, will go toward the completion of the music gallery.
A spokesAnimal for the Board said the evening’s theme of “All Our Lines Are Busy” is meant to reflect the importance of The Park’s vibrant arts community and, in particular, its musical one.
“From the beginning, music has been a very important component of our life here,” said the spokesAnimal. “The Board of Governors, as well as many others, believe that music is fundamental to zoocratic life. Without a full [musical] staff, we would not be The Park that we are.”
The Board has requested that those attending respond at rsvp@parkmuseum.info.
The museum’s invitation may be read here.