Gareth Shepherd: curfew, ban on travel outside The Park
After an overnight series of consultations with the Archons and the Department of Well-Being and Safety, Park Police announced today that they have imposed a curfew on Park residents and a ban on travel outside The Park.
Gareth Shepherd, a 17-year veteran of the force and president of the Federation of Canine Security Workers (FCSW), made the announcement this morning at a hastily-arranged press conference.
The announcement read as follows:
Due to recent events, including violent protests, threats on the lives of Park Animals, and a number of mysterious disappearances, the Archons and the Park Police have made the decision to impose order on The Park by establishing a 10:00 p.m. curfew on all residents, as well as a ban on travel outside The Park.
More details of these arrangements will be made public shortly. For now, please be advised that officers will be permanently stationed at all Park exits and will begin making rounds at 9:50 this evening.
Park Police and the Archons are appealing to all residents to respect this decision. It was made with the welfare of all in mind.
Shepherd also confirmed that they have enlisted the assistance of the Does of Peace in this effort.
The new restrictions come into effect tonight, December 8, 2014.
This story will be updated as more information is gathered.