First it was the missing letter in “Beasts” that turned the annual charity music festival into the “Beats of Burden.”
Now a typo in the recruitment announcement sent out by the Doves of Peace has gifted the Doves and Park Police with a “welcome addition”: a brand new group of peacekeepers called the Does of Peace.
At a press event this morning, representatives of the Police and the Doves announced the formation of this new group.
“This is another case of serendipity,” said Doves spokesBird Georgina Golub.
“The Does of Peace, whom we hired during our recruitment weekend, are a most welcome addition to our peacekeeping force.”
No one doubts they are welcome now, but that wasn’t quite the case during the last weekend of August.
When Park Police’s wholly autonomous peacekeeping group put out a call for prospective hirees to join the Doves of Peace, the announcement read, instead, “Does of Peace.”
But it seemed that no one noticed, save for the female Deer who swarmed the Ancient Open-Air Theatre in search of employment.
“They arrived with some of the most impressive résumés we’ve ever seen, and a great deal of experience in peacekeeping, both in the outside world and in The Park,” Golub said.
At a loss for what to do, Golub arranged for interviewers to talk to the Does and explain the mix-up.
“But what I noticed, as we turned them away…they weren’t angry. They seemed understanding. Disappointed, but understanding. And, I thought, ‘why am I turning away some of the best peacekeepers I’ve ever met?'”
So, after extensive consultation with Park Police and the Department of Well-Being and Safety, the decision was made to form an adjunct group to help keep peace in The Park.
In addition to their regular duties, Golub says, the Does will take over from the Doves during migration season.
“It works perfectly with our schedule and now that we’ve done it, I don’t know why we didn’t think of it before.”
And, fittingly, the Does of Peace will make their first professional appearance this coming weekend, at the Beats of Burden Music Festival.