April will shower you with special events, so mark these dates on your calendar!

April 8-10: The Broop ‘n Miaow’s annual “Broopee Days” Are you a Broopee? We’re all Broopees during the Broop ‘n Miaow’s annual Broopee Days! Try the super-specials in April and don’t forget to enter the instant win contests!

April 14: Footpad Heaven Clearance Sale Don’t be a slave to style! Even though it may be last year’s stock, Footpad Heaven’s Toepads, Footpads and other clearance accoutrement are brand new. Indulge yourself at half the price!

April 17-18: Spring Shoots Mini Feral Roots Festival
Let celebrity chef Tab Tricolore be your host at this Spring event! In its second season, the Mini Feral Roots Festival will feature fresh bulbs, shoots, and other feral delicacies fresh from the ground at grassRoutes.

April 20: Happy 7th Birthday, KwikLiks! There’s gonna be a party! Come celebrate #7 with proprietress Maitea Behi and her team! There’ll be free flash grooming, music, prizes, and lots of treats for the whole family!

April 26-27: University of West Terrier Forum: What does a Human want? For the second year this timely forum will discuss the needs and desires of the two-legged species, both in the context of Humans’ own lives as well as the effects these needs and desires have on the lives of Park Animals. Participants in the forum include Dr. Luule Aednik and his team of researchers from the Department of Psychology and Noreen, adjunct professor of Human Studies, as well as other faculty members.

Migrating Home
For the whole month of April and beyond, we’ll be celebrating the return of our Avian population. Keep your eyes and ears open for special events at The Literary Apothecary, LeTwiggery, The Pluming Room, and more.