The second annual "Month Without Metaphor" (MWM) is set to outstrip its predecessor, organizers of the Park media event said today. "We were ecstatic about the reception last year and by how many newspapers and magazines were willing to participate," said Alvin Tinamou on TMD Radio this morning. Tinamou is publisher of The Avian Messenger and one of the event's organizers. "But this year, it's not only print media, but radio and television … [Read all...]
Breaking News

OTD in 2017—DWBS confirms detailed map of Park found outside official boundaries
The Department of Well-Being and Safety (DWBS) has confirmed that a map of The Park has been found outside our official boundaries. In a short statement issued this morning, the department confirmed that a map of The Park that shows the location of some of our government institutions and businesses was found on the ground outside the western border. According to the statement, the department was advised of the map's existence early this … [Read all...]

OTD in 2015—Look what’s coming up!
There are some big events coming up in the Spring. Put these on your calendar for the next few weeks: March 29: The Park's semi-annual "Shakeoff" "If you have a coat, share it with those who don't." Formerly the "Shake for Charity," this semi-annual event aids those who have no coat. The Shakeoff also offers free grooming and refreshments to participants. March 30: Tulip season Yes, it's that time of year already. But if you're not yet … [Read all...]

OTD in 2014—Prediction’s accuracy “bittersweet for me,” says 2014 POPS Solange Marmotte
MAMMALIAN DAILY EXCLUSIVE It's been almost seven weeks since Groundhog Day, when Solange Marmotte, 2014 Park Official Prognosticator of Spring (POPS), emerged from her burrow, saw her shadow, and predicted six more weeks of Winter. With temperatures hovering well below the freezing mark and Spring expected to arrive a month late, it would appear that Marmotte's prediction was accurate. In fact, according to the Park Weather Office, it is the … [Read all...]
More Park News

OTD in 2017—Millicent Hayberry to direct herself in second Colocolo mystery
Actress Millicent Hayberry will direct herself in the upcoming Gianfranco Colocolo mystery, Aracari, The Burrow Theatre announced today. The mystery is the second in a series written for the stage … [Read All About It Here...]

OTD in 2017—Archons hunt for new Finance Office head to defund tourism, trade: rumour
Park Finance Office (PFO) head Valentina Abeja's days may be numbered. According to a post on the gossip site headsNtales, Chief Archon Klarissa Kuttu is "not pleased" with some of the terms of … [Read All About It Here...]

OTD in 2017—Score one for Rotte: March’s Stereotype Sunday theme will be Rodents
Score one for Gunnar Rotte, The beleaguered Rodent Commoner reporter and part-time counsellor at The Park's Extinction Anxiety Clinic (currently on leave), has been campaigning for years to get us … [Read All About It Here...]
Accolades from Margaret Atwood

The Mammalian Daily “Lightens The Morning Cup o’ Gloom,” says Margaret Atwood